Thursday, December 31, 2009

NGUZO SABA (The Seven Principles) - Kuumba (Creativity)

To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.
How to Practice Kuumba
Kuumba, described as "creativity," is observed on the sixth day during the Kwanzaa holiday season which runs from December 26 through January 1 every year. According to the tenets of Kwanzaa, being creative in all avenues of life can foster unexpected opportunities to improve its general quality. Unleashing your creativity in a variety of ways will not only open your mind to a plethora of unforeseen possibilities, but can also allow you to see deep within yourself and decide which areas of your life should take priority.
  1. Join an organization in the community that encourages Kuumba. There are varieties of city-sponsored creative arts programs as well as diverse types of recreation areas that can be used to encourage creativity in youths and adults. Your local community center provides an ideal starting point.
  2. Evaluate areas of your life that are in need of Kuumba. Typically, routines are a prime area for creative integration.
  3. Create your own Kuumba group or organization in the community. Figure out what you are passionate about, then let the creative juices flow. For example, you could create a performance arts show that sends a message to the audience about how to creatively live out all seven principles during Kwanzaa.
  4. Write a story or book and publish it either in print or on the Internet. One of the best ways to practice Kuumba during Kwanzaa is through reading or creating the written word. Many children first experience an opening of their Kuumba sides through the reading of stories.
  5. Practice Kuumba this Kwanzaa season by creating music, whether singing or playing an instrument. Take an unconventional approach to your music by letting your thoughts out of the box and exploring areas in your musical mind that are unfamiliar and underutilized.


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